By Dixie Norwood
Collection Overview
The collection contains various documents from the UNA Prseident Office from 1928 to 1993.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
Box 6],
Box 7],
[Box 8],
Box 9],
Box 10],
Box 11],
Box 12],
Box 13],
Box 14],
Box 15],
Box 16],
Box 17],
Box 18],
Box 19],
Box 20],
Box 21],
Box 22],
Box 23],
Box 24],
Box 25],
- Box 8
- Folder 1: Mantiband, Charles {Rabbi} (1949)
- Folder 2: Martin, C.L. {Superintendent of Schools} (1949)
- Folder 3: Martin, R.M. {Principal} {Madison High School} (1949)
- Folder 4: Matthews, Paul W. {Southern Division} {Music Educators National Conference} (1949)
- Folder 5: Maxwell, Ida E. {Hill Dale Farm} (1949)
- Folder 6: The Mayflower Transit Company (1949)
- Folder 7: McClure, F.C. {Band Director} {Coffee High School} (1949)
- Folder 8: McClure, John R. {Dean-School of Education} {University of Alabama} (1949)
- Folder 9: McClure, Worth {Executive Secretary} {American Association of School Administrators (1949)
- Folder 10: McCulley, R.C. {Superintendent of Schools} {County Hill School} (1949)
- Folder 11: McDonald, Ralph {Executive Secretary} {Department of Higher Education} (1949)
- Folder 12: McGehee, E.G., Jr. {Director} {Division of Negro Education} (1949)
- Folder 13: McGrath, Earl J. {Commissioner of Education} (1949)
- Folder 14: McGuire, Arlie {University of Dubuque} (1949)
- Folder 15: McIntosh, Helen M. (1949)
- Folder 16: Meadows, A.R. (1948-1949)
- Folder 17: Meeting of Teachers College Deans (1949)
- Folder 18: Mehling, Jessie Garrison {Department of Education} (1949)
- Folder 19: Memoranda to Faculty (1949-1949)
- Folder 20: Miles, Bobby {Delta Chapter, Pi Kappa Alpha} {Birmingham Southern College} (1949)
- Folder 21: Miller, George Tyler {President} {Madison College} (1949)
- Folder 22: Milner Loan Fund (1949)
- Folder 23: Miner, Edwin H. {Associate Commissioner} {U.S. Office of Education} (1949)
- Folder 24: Mitchell, W.H. (1949)
- Folder 25: The Montgomery Classroom Teacher's Association (1949)
- Folder 26: Moody, E.E. {Principal} {Boaz High School} (1949)
- Folder 27: Moody, Robert E. {Principal} {Phil Campbell High School} (1949)
- Folder 28: Moore, R.E. {Superintendent} {Cullman County Schools} (1949)
- Folder 29: Moore, R.E., Jr. {Program Chairman} {Kiwannis Club-Winfield, Alabama} (1949)
- Folder 30: Morrison, J. Cayce {State Education Department} {University of the State of New York} (1949)
- Folder 31: Morse, Jarvis M. {Education Director} (1949)
- Folder 32: Murch, Betty A. {American Social Hygiene Association} (1949)
- Folder 33: National Association of Manufactures (1949)
- Folder 34: National Citizens Commission for the Public Schools (1949)
- Folder 35: National Conference of County & Rural Area Superintendents {Memphis, Tennessee} (1949)
- Folder 36: National Congress of Parents & Teachers (1949)
- Folder 37: National Congress of Parents & Teachers Committee on School Education (1949-1950)
- Folder 38: National Congress of Parents & Teachers {Chicago} (1949-1950)
- Folder 39: National Congress of Parents & Teachers International Education Project (1949)
- Folder 40: National Education Association (1949)
- Folder 41: National Go To Church Campaign (1949)
- Folder 42: National Guard (1949)
- Folder 43: National School Construction Act (1948-1949)
- Folder 44: The Nation's School (1949)
- Folder 45: Nelson, Harry (Mrs.) {Secretary-Alabama Congress of Parents & Teachers} (1949)
- Folder 46: Nelson, H.D. {Superintendent} {Huntsville Public Schools} (1949)
- Folder 47: Neptune, John {Placement Office} {University of Wisconsin} (1949)
- Folder 48: Newberry, Monroe J. {City Drug Store, Inc.} (1949)
- Folder 49: New York Times (1949)
- Folder 50: Nungester, Frances {Gordon-Bibb Elementary School} (1949)
- Folder 51: Nursery School {Development} (1949)
- Folder 52: Office of Education Federal Security Agency (1949)
- Folder 53: Orr, J. Clyde {Superintendent of Schools} (1949)
- Folder 54: O'Steen, Alton {Head-Deaprtment of Music} (1949)
- Folder 55: Owens, Marie Bankhead {Director} {Department of Archives and History} (1949)
- Folder 56: Palmer, Lula {Supervisor} {Extended School Services} (1949)
- Folder 57: Parents and Teachers Branch {Alabama} {National Congress} (1949)
- Folder 58: Parker, E.P. {Major General, USA} {The Provost Marshal General} (1949)
- Folder 59: Parkison, B.L. {President} {Mississippi State College for Women} (1949)
- Folder 60: Patterson, Howard (Mrs.) (1949)
- Folder 61: Patton, David U. (1949)
- Folder 62: Peerson, Nell {Brandon School} (1949)
- Folder 63: Photographic Equipment (1949)
- Folder 64: Plemmons, W.H. {Executive Secretary} {State Education Commission} (1949)
- Folder 65: Policy Committee (1949)
- Folder 66: Porterfield, Martha (1949)
- Folder 67: Powell, J.W. {City Superintendent of Education} (1949)
- Folder 68: Powell, Vonnie Ree (1949)
- Folder 69: Powers, W.F. {Honorary} {Secretary-Board of Control:Institutions of Higher Learning} (1949)
- Folder 70: President Truman (1949)
- Folder 71: Principal (1949)
- Folder 72: American Private Philanthropy (1949)
- Folder 73: Probation (1949)
- Folder 74: Purser, Julia Jean (1949)
- Folder 75: Radio Speech (1949)
- Folder 76: Raines, Vincent {Assistant Secretary} {Alabama Education Association} (1949)
- Folder 77: Rankin, M.R. {Kiwannis Club} (1949)
- Folder 78: The American Red Cross {Lauderdale County Chapter} (1949)
- Folder 79: Reed, W.O. (Mrs.) {Director-Department of Public Welfare} (1949)
- Folder 80: Report to Herbert Hoover (1948)
- Folder 81: Reservations (1948-1950)
- Folder 82: Resource-Use Education Workshop (1949)
- Folder 83: Reusser, K.L. {Procurement Officer} [U.S. Marine Corps} (1949)
- Folder 84: Riddle. J.I. {President} {Association of Alabama Colleges} (1949)
- Folder 85: Robb, Felix C. {Professor} {University of Minnesota} (1949)
- Folder 86: Robinson, Walter S., Jr. (1949)
- Folder 87: Roehm, John F. {Provost Marshal} (1949)
- Folder 88: Rogers, Mims {Honorary} {Representative from Lauderdale County-The House of Representatives} (1949)
- Folder 89: Rogers, T.M., Sr. (Mrs.) (1949)
- Folder 90: Rotary Club (1949)
- Folder 91: R.O.T.C. (1949)
- Folder 92: Rudisell, B.G. (1949)
- Folder 93: Rural Education (1949)
- Folder 94: Rush, J. Edwin {Dean} {Sneed Junior College} (1949)
- Folder 95: Runyon, C.R. {Manager of Sales} {Radio Engineering Laboratories, Inc.} (1949)
- Folder 96: Salary Survey in State Institutions in the Southern United States (1948-1949)
- Folder 97: Samuel, Philip T. (1949)
- Folder 98: Samuelson, Agnes {National Education Association} (1949)
- Folder 99: Saunders, Will P. {Supervisor of Instruction} {State of Alabama Department of Education} (1949)
- Folder 100: Sc-Sp Correspondences (1949)
- Folder 101: Scholastic Magazine {John W. Studebaker-Vice President} (1949)
- Folder 102: School Education Committee {National Congress} (1949)
- Folder 103: School Enrollment (1949)
- Folder 104: School Management, Inc. (1949)
- Folder 105: Simpson, Robert T. {Honorary} {Associate Justice/Supreme Court-Alabama} (1949)
- Folder 106: Sm-So Correspondences (1949)
- Folder 107: Smith, Harley A. {Manager-Regional Office} {Veteran's Administration} (1949-1949)
- Folder 108: Smith, C.B. {President} {States Teachers College-Troy, Alabama} (1949)
- Folder 109: Southern Cross Foresters (1949)
- Folder 110: Spain, Charles, R. {Dean of Instruction} {George Peabody College} (1949)
- Folder 111: Sparkman, John {Committee on Public Works} {U.S. Senate} (1949)
- Folder 112: Sp-St Correspondences (1949)
- Folder 113: State Conference of Supervisors (1949)
- Folder 114: State Legislature (1946-1951)
- Folder 115: Student Council (1949)
- Folder 116: Student Work Program (1949)
- Folder 117: Taylor, Haffred Neil {Thayer Veterans Adminstrative Hospital} (1949)
- Folder 118: Taylor, John G. (1949)
- Folder 119: Taylor, William H. (Mrs. {University of Kentucky} (1949)
- Folder 120: Teacher-Training Programs {Central Schools} & Teaching Certificates in Alabama {Spring Term} (1948-1950)
- Folder 121: Telephone Switchboard (1949)
- Folder 122: Terry, Charles W. {honorary} {Director-Personnel Department} (1949)
- Folder 123: Thatcher, Fred G. {Executive Secretary} {Louisiana School Boards Association} (1949)
- Folder 124: Thompson, J.E. {Principal} {Sardis High School} (1949)
- Folder 125: Thompson, W.S. (1949)
- Folder 126: Traveling Expenses (1949)
- Folder 127: Trousdale, Vernice (1949)
- Folder 128: Turner, Holmes A. {District Supervisor} {Vocational Rehabilitation} (1949)
- Folder 129: Tyson, John P. {Principal} {Kate Duncan Smith D.A.R. School} (1949)
- Folder 130: U.S. National Organizations for the United Nations (1949)
- Folder 131: University Center: James H. Nance (1949)
- Folder 132: University of Kentucky Workshop {"Leadership for Improvement of Elementary Schools"} (1949)
- Folder 133: Veterans Administration (1949)
- Folder 134: Vickers, William D. (1949)
- Folder 135: Wade Electric Company {Contractors} {A.C. Wade-Manager} (1949)
- Folder 136: Walton, Benton H. (1949)
- Folder 137: War Surplus Equipment (1949)
- Folder 138: Weatherford, C.H. (1949)
- Folder 139: Wells, F.S. {Work Progress} (1948-1949)
- Folder 140: Westcott, Regina H. {Consultant in Family Community Development} (1949)
- Folder 141: Wheeler, J.H. {Principal} {Pisgah High School} (1949)
- Folder 142: Whipple, Lucius A. {Rhode Island College of Education{ (1949)
- Folder 143: White, Mary Jo {Vespers} (1949)
- Folder 144: White, William (1949)
- Folder 145: Williams, Clayton {Univeristy of Alabama} (1949)
- Folder 146: Williams, George W. {Captain} {Tri-Cities Quarterback Club} (1949)
- Folder 147: Williams, Kennedy (Miss) (1949)
- Folder 148: Williams, W.C. (1949)
- Folder 149: Wilson, Roy K. {Press & Radio Relations} {National Education Association} (1949)
- Folder 150: Wolfe, Ervin {Head-Division of Music} {George Peabody College for Teachers} (1949)
- Folder 151: Wood, V.H. {Superintendent of Education} {Franklin County} (1949)
- Folder 152: Wragg, Margaret {Secretary to the Asoociate Commissioner} {U.S. Office of Education} (1949)
- Folder 153: Yates, L.W. {Secretary} {Superintendent's Discussion Group} (1949)
- Folder 154: Young, Hershel C. (1949)
- Folder 155: Younge, Samuel L. (1949)
- Folder 156: Zahrt, Merton S. (1949)
Browse by Box:
Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
Box 6],
Box 7],
[Box 8],
Box 9],
Box 10],
Box 11],
Box 12],
Box 13],
Box 14],
Box 15],
Box 16],
Box 17],
Box 18],
Box 19],
Box 20],
Box 21],
Box 22],
Box 23],
Box 24],
Box 25],