By Dixie Norwood
Collection Overview
The collection contains various documents from the UNA Prseident Office from 1928 to 1993.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
[Box 6],
Box 7],
Box 8],
Box 9],
Box 10],
Box 11],
Box 12],
Box 13],
Box 14],
Box 15],
Box 16],
Box 17],
Box 18],
Box 19],
Box 20],
Box 21],
Box 22],
Box 23],
Box 24],
Box 25],
- Box 6
- Folder 1: Alabama Education Association (1949)
- Folder 2: Alabama Education Association Legislative Committee (1949)
- Folder 3: Alcohol Education Workshop (1949)
- Folder 4: Alumni Breakfast
- Folder 5: The American Association of School Administrations {Conventions} (1947-1950)
- Folder 6: Association of College English Teachers {Report of the Committee} (1948-1949)
- Folder 7: Athletics Committee (1949)
- Folder 8: Audio Visual Education (1949)
- Folder 9: Baldwin, Ben R. (1949)
- Folder 10: Barnett, A.H. (1949)
- Folder 11: Barnett, George E. {Honorary} (1949) {Representative from Lauderdale County]
- Folder 12: Beck, W.M. {Honorary} (1949) {Speaker of the House of Representatives-Alabama)
- Folder 13: Belcher, Gila (1949)
- Folder 14: Berry, Ruth {Colbert County High School} (1949)
- Folder 15: Bibb Graves Hall (1949)
- Folder 16: Biddle, Richard B. {Manager} Muscle Shoals Broadcasting Corp. (1949)
- Folder 17: Billingham, E.E. (1949)
- Folder 18: Blair, J.C. {Chairman} Alabama Committee on Elementary Education (1949)
- Folder 19: Boozer, Elbert (1949)
- Folder 20: Bottomly, Ruth (1949)
- Folder 21: Branyon, E.W. {Superintendent of Education} Marion County Schools (1949)
- Folder 22: Bratton, Alice McKelvey (1949)
- Folder 23: Brewster, C.M. {Superintendent of Schools} (1949)
- Folder 24: Broadwater Bill (1949)
- Folder 25: Brock, H.M. {Supervisor of Instruction} State Department of Education (1949)
- Folder 26: Broom, W.H. {President} Rotary Club of Hartselle (1949)
- Folder 27: Brown, John M. {Fayette Public Schools} (1949)
- Folder 28: {Skeletal} Budget Analysis (1949)
- Folder 29: Buford, Mary McLemore (1949)
- Folder 30: Burke, A.C. {Delta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha} Birmingham-Southern College (1949)
- Folder 31: Burnette, William A. {Pan-American Sales Company} (1949)
- Folder 32: Burns, Cranford, H. {Assistant Superintendent} Board of School Commissioners (1949)
- Folder 33: Butterworth, J.E. {Educational Administration} Cornell Univeristy {School of Education} (1949)
- Folder 34: Cafeteria Inspections (1949)
- Folder 35: Camping & Outdoor Education Conference (1949)
- Folder 36: Caliver, Ambrose-U.S. Office of Education (1949)
- Folder 37: Callahan, Ralph W. (1949)
- Folder 38: Camp Mac (1949)
- Folder 39: Campbell, James W. (1949)
- Folder 40: Carter, Laurie Mae {President} Mississippi Education Association (1949)
- Folder 41: Cassell, J.W. {Chariman} Educational Committee (1949)
- Folder 43: Chambre, Melda W. {Supervisor of Instruction} Cullman County Schools (1949)
- Folder 44: Chase, Francis S. {Director of Research} Study of Education in the States (1949)
- Folder 45: Chase, Harriett M. {Chief Assistant to the Secretary} National Education Association (1949)
- Folder 46: Choral Competition Festivals (1949)
- Folder 47: Christian, Mary King (1949)
- Folder 48: Citizens Advisory Educational Council (1949)
- Folder 49: Citizens Federal Committee on Education {Conference November 1949}
- Folder 50: Clark, Lois M. {Administrative Adviser} County and Rural Area Superintendents (1949)
- Folder 51: Cocking, Walter D. {Chairman} The School Executive (1949)
- Folder 52: Cole, Houston {President} Jacksonville State Teachers College (1949)
- Folder 53: College Dance Band (1948-1949)
- Folder 54: College & University Business {Harold W. Herman, Managing Editor} (1949)
- Folder 55: Collier Library Resolution {In honor of Dr. C.B. Collier} (1949)
- Folder 56: Comer, Louise {Supervisor of Instruction} Board of Education {Lauderdale County} (1949)
- Folder 57: Commencement (1949)
- Folder 58: Committees for 1948-1949
- Folder 59: Committee on Honesty (1949)
- Folder 60: Committee on International Relations (1949)
- Folder 61: Committee on Tenure (1949)
- Folder 62: Community Chest (1949)
- Folder 63: Congratulatory Letters to Dr. E.B. Norton (1948-1949)
- Folder 64: Cook, Oenone A. {Home Demonstartion Agent} Cooperative Extension Work (1949)
- Folder 65: Couch, M.G. {Principal} Jackson County High School (1949)
- Folder 66: Coyle, J.C. {Manager} Bromberg & Company (1949)
- Folder 67: Craig, Benjamin H. {Mrs.} (1949)
- Folder 68: Crim, J. Homer {Eighth District} A.E.A (1949)
- Folder 69: Darby, C.M., Jr. (1949)
- Folder 70: Davenport, G.M. {Reverend} Central Methodist Church (1949)
- Folder 71: Davis, P.O. {Director, Extension Services} Alabama Polytechnic Institute (1949)
- Folder 72: Davis, Sara (1949)
- Folder 73: Davis, W.L. {Director} Kilby Training School (1948-1949)
- Folder 74: Deal, Ernest Linwood (1949)
- Folder 75: Decker, George C. {U.S. Office of Education} Federal Security Agency (1949)
- Folder 76: Denson, N.D. (1949)
- Folder 77: Department Heads (1949)
- Folder 78: Department of Interior Bureau of Mines (1949)
- Folder 79: Derryberry, Everett {President} Tennessee Polytechnic Institute (1949)
- Folder 80: Deshler High School Band (1949)
- Folder 81: Dewey, John (1949)
- Folder 82: Dill, R.L., Jr. {Norwood Methosidt Church} (1949)
- Folder 83: Dill, Tom (1949)
- Folder 84: Diorama (1949)
- Folder 85: Dixon, J.C. {Executive Director} Southern Education Foundation, Inc. (1949)
- Folder 86: Mr. Dixon's Absence-Southern EducAtion Foundation (1949)
- Folder 87: Doss, Elva {Walker County Hight School} (1949)
- Folder 88: Doster, O.C. (1949)
- Folder 89: Dotson, F.D. {Professor} Howard College (1949)
- Folder 90: Drake, Grace (1949)
- Folder 91: Drake, J.F. {President} A and M College (1949)
- Folder 92: Draughon, Ralph B. {President} Alabama Polytechnic Institute (1949)
- Folder 93: Dunbar, E.F. (1949)
- Folder 42: Cayley, Chas E. {Co-ordinating Secretary} "Insurance & Retirement Committees" (1949)
- Folder 94: Dunnaway, A.C. (1949)
- Folder 95: Durbin, Alice (1949)
- Folder 96: Elementary and Secondary Majors (1949)
- Folder 97: Eckl, Louis A. {Editor} Florence Times (1949)
- Folder 98: Ed-Et Correspondences (1949)
- Folder 99: Enrollment by Counties (1948-1950)
- Folder 100: Erwin, Clyde A. {Superintendent of Public Instruction} {State of North Carolina} (1949)
- Folder 101: Extension Division (1949)
- Folder 102: Faculty Needs (1949)
- Folder 103: Faculty Rejections (1948-1949)
- Folder 104: Prospective Faculty {Education} (1949)
- Folder 105: Prospective Faculty {English} (1949)
- Folder 106: Fain, Cecil V. (1949)
- Folder 107: Federal Aid (1948-1949)
- Folder 108: Federal Communication Commission (1948-1949)
- Folder 109: Felton, Ralph A. {Drew Theological Seminary} (1949)
- Folder 110: Ferguson, Dwight H. {Regional Social Security Officer} (1949)
- Folder 111: Fiedelson, Charles N. (1948)
- Folder 112: Fikes, Edna Linn (1949)
- Folder 113: Flowers, H.A. {Head-Department of Health and Physical Education} (1949)
- Folder 114: Flynt, Ralph C.M. {Executive Assitant to the Commissioner} {Federal Security Agency} (1949)
- Folder 115: Folsom, James E. {Governor} (1949)
- Folder 116: Football Coach Inquiries (1949)
- Folder 117: Ford, Ralph H. (1949)
- Folder 118: Forney, Katherine {School Lunch Consultant} {Department of Education} (1949)
- Folder 119: Franks, J.E. (Mrs.) {Columbiana Baptist Church} (1949)
- Folder 120: Freshman Orientation (1949)
- Folder 121: Frost, Norman {George Peabody College for Teachers} (1949)
- Folder 122: Fuller, Edgar {Executive Secretary} {National Council of Chief State School Officers} (1949)
- Folder 123: Gallalee, John M. {President} {University of Alabama} (1949)
- Folder 124: Gallian, Gabriele (1949)
- Folder 125: Gann, J.A. {The Alabama Christian Advocate} (1949)
- Folder 126: Gates, E.C. (1949)
- Folder 127: Geise, Henry W. {Morgan County Tuberculosis Sanatorium} (1949)
- Folder 128: Gifts {from the French Gratitude Train} (1949)
- Folder 129: Gilbert, Luther C. {Acting Dean} {University of California School of Education} (1949)
- Folder 130: Gillmore, C.B. {President-Citizens Advisory Educational Council} (1949)
- Folder 131: Givens, Willard E. {Executive Secretary} {National Education Association} (1949)
- Folder 132: Glock, Charles A. {Director} {Audio-Visual Education Department} (1949)
- Folder 133: Gormley, Charles L. (1949)
- Folder 134: Graves, Stuart {Director of Admissions} {Medical College of Alabama} (1949)
- Folder 135: Gregg, Solon {Superintendent of Education} {Marion County Schools} (1949)
- Folder 136: Grisby, Rall I. {Deputy Commissioner} {U.S. Office of Education} (1949)
- Folder 137: Hag-Hay Correspondences (1949)
- Folder 138: Hawkins, Bess (1949)
- Folder 139: Heard, Alexander {Jane} (1949)
- Folder 140: Hendrix, Noble B. {Dean of Students} {University of Alabama} (1949)
- Folder 141: He-Hu Correspondences (1949)
- Folder 142: High School Seniors (1949)
- Folder 143: Hill, Lister {Honorary} {United States Senate} (1949)
- Folder 144: Hill, W.W. {President} {State Teachers College-Livingston} (1949)
- Folder 145: Holt, Andrew D. {President} {National Education Association} (1949)
- Folder 146: Homecoming (1949)
- Folder 147: Home Economics (1949)
- Folder 148: Honor Roll (1948-1949)
- Folder 149: Inauguration Ceremonies for Dr. E.B. Norton {6th President} (1949)
- Folder 150: International Education (1948-1949)
- Folder 151: Jackson, Jennie {Letter on Jackson Collection} (1949)
- Folder 152: Jackson, Walter M. {Superintendent-Decatur City Schools} (1949)
- Folder 153: Jacobsen, W.H. (1949)
- Folder 154: Jaggers, R.E. (1949)
- Folder 155: Johnson, Charles S. {President} {Fisk University} (1949)
- Folder 156: Johnson, Floyd {President} {Elkmont Schools} (1949)
- Folder 157: Johnson, W.H. {Mrs.} (1949)
- Folder 158: Johnston, Margaret C. (1949)
- Folder 159: Johnston, Maybell Haynes (1949)
- Folder 160: Jones, D. Trotter {Associated Industries of Alabama} (1949)
- Folder 161: Jones, Robert E. {Honorary} {Congress of the United States} (1949)
- Folder 162: Jones, Thomas G. (1949)
- Folder 163: Jordan, Edwin N. (Mrs.) {Bureau of Research & Statistics} (1949)
- Folder 164: Jordan, W.T. (Mrs.) {Decatur Senior High School} (1949)
- Folder 165: Keller, Charles S. (1949)
- Folder 166: Keller Memorial Fund (1948)
- Folder 167: W.K. Kellogg Foundation {Battle Creek, Michigan} (1948-1949)
- Folder 168: Educational Advisory Board {Kellogg Foundation} (1948)
- Folder 169: Killingsworth, M.H. (1949)
- Folder 170: King, Anita {Supervisor} {Lamar County Schools} (1949)
- Folder 171: Kirby, David {Dean} {Concord College} (1949)
- Folder 172: Landscape Architects (1949)
- Folder 173: Lawrence, John O. {Commanding Officer} {Alabama Military District} (1949)
- Folder 174: Leadership Education (1949)
- Folder 175: Leeman, H.R. {Superintendent of Education} (1949)
- Folder 176: Legislative Commitee (1949)
- Folder 177: Library Bulletin (1949)
- Folder 178: Library Report (1949)
- Folder 179: Litty, W.E. (1949)
- Folder 180: Lowe, W.C. (1949)
Browse by Box:
Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
[Box 6],
Box 7],
Box 8],
Box 9],
Box 10],
Box 11],
Box 12],
Box 13],
Box 14],
Box 15],
Box 16],
Box 17],
Box 18],
Box 19],
Box 20],
Box 21],
Box 22],
Box 23],
Box 24],
Box 25],